For information regarding pickleball:
The Lopez Island tennis courts are owned and maintained by the Lopez Island Community Tennis Association (LICTA), and are solely supported by contributions through membership in LICTA. Many of our Association members are not tennis or pickleball players, but consider the courts an important and attractive asset for our community and guests.
Please help support this valuable venue by joining the Lopez Island Community Tennis Association. Sign up by clicking the link below.
Yes, there is PICKLEBALL on Lopez!
In 2022, the northeast court was resurfaced and is now the home of 4 semi-permanent pickleball courts.
Regular Pickleball play is organized by SLIP (Smiling Lopez Island Pickleballers). The schedule is below and also posted at the courts. Pickleball courts are open for private play at all other times. Visitors are welcome to join scheduled play at the appropriate level.
Drop-In Play
Monday through Friday 9am - Noon. Courts are designated by levels; Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced (two courts per level). Please play at or close to your level so that games remain competitive for everyone. Paddle racks and a “two up/two down” or “four up/four down” paddle rotation is used, depending on how many players are waiting to play.
Saturday 9am - Noon. Courts are not leveled and the play format is “Mix it up”, with players of all levels mixing together for fun and developmental games. Beginners welcome if they have these skills; scoring, basic understanding of rules and positioning, the ability to hold a simple rally.
Suggested donation: $1/person for LICTA members. $2/person for non-members.
NEVER PLAYED BEFORE?? We encourage you to watch a few games and use the backboard or find a partner to get a feel for hitting, before trying to join a game. YouTube is great for learning the basics. It will put you a big step ahead if you show up to Drop-In with an understanding of scoring, the two-bounce rule and basic positioning.
Brand new players can contact Martha Gooding at 214-287-3509 for more advice and to learn how to join the group.
Open Use Play
All times outside of Drop-In Play are available for private games on a first-come, first-served basis. Total play time limit of one hour when others are waiting. No reservations or holding courts. Do not set up your own nets. Please Observe Court Rules. Visitors welcome. Donations welcomed.
*For more information on ratings, visit the USA Pickleball website.